Month: July 2019

Music is an art, entertainment, pleasure, and … medicine for the body and soul. Playing music is one of the few activities that involve using the whole brain. Music is intrinsic to all cultures and has surprising benefits not only for learning language, improving memory and focusing attention, but also for physical coordination and development….

Have you ever dreamed of playing a musical instrument? Maybe, like most people, you’ve tried it out and concluded that you weren’t musically inclined. Maybe learning the violin became just another new years resolution you never stuck to. Well I’m here to tell you that anyone can learn to play a musical instrument (or do…

From Bo Diddley to Björk, musicians have often created their own homemade musical instruments. Such bespoke pieces of equipment may sometimes be bizarre, but they’ve helped artists realise the sounds in their head when nothing else on earth could. Here we present 10 of the most iconic and interesting homemade musical instruments of all time. Let us know…

Everyone loves music but have different ways to enjoy it. Either listening to the song, humming the tunes or playing the instruments. Each one has it’s own choice in linking oneself to music. Some of those folks are the ones who actually play an instrument or compose music. It could be as a hobby or…